
Our moderator for the conference will be Jonas Karlsson, long time journalist and TV host for Paris Olympics 2024.

Monday June 17th    Tuesday June 18th

Monday June 17th
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Welcome

Intro conference: The importance of anti-doping work in society

Video intro by Jakob Forssmed, Minister for Social Affairs and Public Health, Sweden

13:20 - 14:20 Introduction doping in society and legislation in the Nordics

Medical consequences of doping and association with criminal actions

Henrik Horwitz, Bispebjerg hospital, Denmark

The lecture will examine the health hazards of anabolic steroids. It is based on epidemiological studies of 1200 men who were sanctioned for using anabolic steroids during the period 2006 to 2018

Comparison of the Doping Act in the Nordic countries: Difference between Sports movement’s Anti-Doping Regulations & the Swedish Doping Act

Jessica Wissman, Anti-Doping Sweden

14:20 Afternoon coffee break
14:40 - 16:50 Prevalence of doping in society

The development of doping in Sweden 1993-2023

Charlotta Rehnman, CAN (The Swedish Council for information on alcohol and other drugs)

Findings of doping substances in wastewater in Sweden

Johan Lindberg / Louise Carlsson, Rise

Anabolic steroid and other doping substance use among Finnish prisoners

Jukka Koskelo, Dopinglinkki Finland

Slightly more than one third of prisoners (34%) had used doping agents at some point in their lives. The youngest prisoners who injected doping agents for the first time were 15 years old and the oldest were 58 years old. What can we learn from the recent The Wattu IV Prison Population Study?

Attitudes and doping prevalence among Norwegian youth across exercise activities

Fredrik Lauritzen, Anti-Doping Norway

Round table discussion: The challenge of methology and lack of prevalence figures on doping in society - consequences for prioritizing doping as a public health problem

18:30 Dinner at the hotel

Tuesday June 18th
08:30 Intro and welcome back
08:35 - 10:05 Social and health economic consequences of doping in society

Side effects and experiences of doping with anabolic androgenic steroids in men and women in Sweden

Annica Börjesson, Karonlinska Universitetet

Social consequences of doping in Sweden

Jesper Andreasson, Linnéuniversitet

Online risk, offline harm Doping and doped bodies exists both as a physical and digital practice. In the context of online communication, image and performance enhancing drugs are distributed and debated by suppliers and users alike, forming a digital doping ecosystem. But what happens when contextual rigidities are transcended and the digital turn into physical/practice?

Health economic consequences of anabolic androgenic steroids in Sweden

Joakim Strandberg, Public Health Agency of Sweden

10:05 Morning coffee break
Parallell session - Track 1
10:20 - 12:00 The role of the police and customs in preventing doping in society

Illegal doping substances in the mail flow

Linda Nilsson, Swedish Police Authority

In January 2023 the postal legislation in Sweden changed and gave the postal actors and law enforcement possibilities to cooperate to stop the flow of illicit substances. I will talk about the importance of the new possibilities for private – public partnership and what it has resulted in.

Seizures of doping substances at the Swedish border

Agnes Johansson, Swedish Customs

The role of the police in preventing doping - study by STAD

Tobias Elgan, STAD

Parallell session - Track 2
10:20 - 12:00 Supplements and SARMs

Introduction - Supplements, SARMs and doping

Christine Helle, Anti-Doping Sweden

Control of supplements in Sweden

Maria Florin, Swedish Food Agency

SARMs – effects, side effects and markets

Tomas Nilsson, Swedish Medical Products Agency

Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) are still only in clinical trials as medicines but are on the European market in sport supplements. What is a SARM, what do we know about the risks of these products and what were the results of a market surveillance study by the Network of Official Medicines Control Laboratories?

SARM study, Karolinska institutet

Lena Ekström, Karolinska institutet

History of Anti-Doping Rule Violations by SARMs in sport

Jenny Schulze, Anti-Doping Sweden

12:00 Lunch
13:00 - 16:35 Projects in the Nordics to prevent doping in society

Anti-doping measures targeting fitness and gym centers: A mapping of practices in the state parties of the anti-doping convention.

Fredrik Lauritzen, Anti-Doping Norway

Fredrik Lauritzen, Anti-doping Norway (chair Ad Hoc Group of experts on anti-doping in recreational sport T-DO ADRS).

SWEDEN: 100% Ren hårdträning (100% pure hard training) - project by STAD

Johanna Gripenberg, STAD

SWEDEN: Preventive anti-doping work at Medley - why it is so important for us and for public health

Nils Rådström, CCO Medley

FINLAND: Doping prevention in public health: Dopinglinkki and the Clean Exercise Commitment

Mikko Lemettila, A-Clinic Foundation, Finland

A-Clinic Foundation's anti-doping actitivies in collaboration with the fitness industry and municipalities:
1) The Clean Exercise Commitment, anti-doping communication and 'doping in recreational sports' education for sports and exercise professionals
2) Anti-doping ambassadors in recreational settings and social media, and 'fitness doping' classroom lessons for middle and upper secondary school students

FINLAND: Dopinglinkki - Anonymous health counselling for doping users, their relatives, and multidisciplinary professionals

Jukka Koskelo, Dopinglinkki

"I'm on self-medicating testosterone replacement therapy, what should I be aware of?" "How should I stop using anabolic steroids?" "I found Anavar from my son's closet. Where can I find more information and help?", "The client came to ask for intramuscular needles intended for anabolic steroid use. What should I do?". Anonymous, confidential health counselling related to doping substance use.

14:35 Afternoon coffee break

DENMARK: Cooperation with fitness centers - project by Anti-Doping Denmark

Kasper Skat Lundgaard Kroll, Anti-Doping Denmark

NORWAY: Rent Senter (Clean Center) - project by Anti-Doping Norway

Kaja Haugen, Anti-doping Norway 

NORWAY: Dopingkontakten - anonymous chat service for those who use or are considering the use of doping

Morten Heierdal, Anti-doping Norway

NORWAY: Medical care for doping users in Norway

Marie Lindvik Jørstad, The Steroid project at Oslo university hospital

In this presentation, you will get insight into medical care for people who use anabolic steroids in Norway, how The Steroid Project has worked to inform this “hard to reach” patient group about their treatment rights, and what we know about these patients.